Linggo, Hulyo 24, 2016

Want a Better Marriage? Science Says You and Your Spouse Should Do This More Often

Last evening, after we put our baby down for the night, my wife and I sat and had a quiet drink on the back patio, after a long, fun and exhausting weekend.

Now, it turns out that science says we're onto something.

New research out this month suggests that married couples who have similar drinking habits are happier and more successful in their relationships. The researchers studied 2,767 American married couples over 10 years, according to Reuters, trying to figure out:

"whether they drank, how many days a week they drank and how many drinks they had on the days they drank ... [plus] the quality of their marriage, including whether they thought their spouses were too demanding or too critical, if their spouse was reliable when they needed help and if they found their spouse irritating."

The findings were reported in the Journals of Gerontology (Series B), where, in scientist-ese language, they wrote that couples who drink together "reported decreased negative marital quality over time, and these links were significantly greater among wives."

Now, there's an important caveat: It doesn't mean that husbands and wives should necessarily drink more.

If both spouses are teetotalers, the findings appear to be just as valid. The key is simply that you should marry someone who approaches alcohol the same way you do.

Or, if you're already married, it's that you should probably try to get on the same page when it comes to drinking.

One of the study's authors suggested that if your husband or wife has to quit drinking altogether for some reason, that you're likely to have a happier marriage if you agree to quit drinking as well.

(Just putting that one out there for all the fathers-to-be I know who haven't voluntarily stopped drinking while their wives are pregnant, for example.)

"This really isn't rocket science," as my colleagues at Scary Mommy put it. "There is a spectrum of enjoying adult beverages and you could be on it in a healthy way. But if you think indulging in alcohol is totally stupid, or have some very negative experiences related to alcohol (alcoholism in your family, for example) it's probably not a good idea to think something like drinking can be overlooked -- or that you can 'change' someone into being a non-drinker."

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Miyerkules, Hulyo 6, 2016

Keetsa Cloud Mattress Review

Keetsa Cloud Mattress Review by numberonemattress

If you want to avoid the recurring pain in your neck, shoulders and back, then you need to locate a mattress which provides support and keeps you cozy all night long.

A mattress which conforms to the contours of the body, while offering a strong support is exactly what's needed to prevent discomfort and body pain. With no need to toss and turn throughout the night, one can enjoy a refreshing and relaxing night's slumber and wake up rejuvenated, ready to take on life.

KEETSA offers the solution in the contour of the KEETSA Cloud – the perfect alternative for a comfy nighttime's slumber.​

Sabado, Hunyo 25, 2016

At Least 12 Dead After Gunmen Storm Hotel In Somalia's Capital

Fire is seen at the scene of a car bomb attack claimed by Al-Qaeda-affiliated Shabab militants on the Naasa Hablood hotel in Mogadishu on Saturday.

Mohamed Abdiwahab /AFP/Getty Images

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Mohamed Abdiwahab /AFP/Getty Images

Fire is seen at the scene of a car bomb attack claimed by Al-Qaeda-affiliated Shabab militants on the Naasa Hablood hotel in Mogadishu on Saturday.

Mohamed Abdiwahab /AFP/Getty Images

A group of attackers detonated a car bomb and then stormed a hotel in the heart of Somalia's capital, Mogadishu, taking hostages. Security forces say they have now taken control of the scene.

There are conflicting reports about the incident's death toll - the Somali government says in a tweet that 12 people were killed and 20 injured. Reuters reports that at least 15 people were killed and an unspecified number were injured, including hotel guards, civilians and militants.

The bomb went off outside the gate of Hotel Naso Hablod, starting an hours-long standoff between police and gunmen, according to media reports.

It's unclear how many hotel guests were taken hostage or how many gunman participated in the attack.

"We have finally ended the siege. The last remaining militants were killed on the top floor," police Capt. Mohamed Hussein told The Associated Press.

The al-Shabab militant organization claimed responsibility for the deadly attack, Reuters reported. The group is affiliated with al-Qaida and has carried out numerous attacks in Somalia.

Somali security forces intervene after a car bomb attack claimed by al-Qaida-affiliated al-Shabab militants exploded near Hotel Naso Hablod in Mogadishu on Saturday.

Mohamed Abdiwahab/AFP/Getty Images

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Mohamed Abdiwahab/AFP/Getty Images

"We attacked the hotel which was frequented by the apostate government members," al-Shabab spokesman Sheikh Abdiasis Abu Musab told Reuters.

Photos published by wire services show injured people covered in blood fleeing from the scene or being carried by other civilians, as security forces are seen taking aim at the hotel. A heavy exchange of gunfire is heard in a video purportedly from the scene, posted on Twitter by Somali activist Osman Yusuf.

Witness Ali Mohamud tells the AP that the attackers were firing randomly at hotel guests. "They were shooting at everyone they could see. I escaped through the back door," he says.

Al-Shabab was pushed out of the capital four years ago by African Union forces but continues to mount attacks there, as we have reported. The group also claimed responsibility for another assault on a Mogadishu hotel just three weeks ago that killed at least 15 people.

BBC's Mary Harper reports that al-Shabab tends to target hotels like Naso Hablod, "which are frequented by government officials." She adds: "Many Somali MPs live in heavily secured hotels, but this does not guarantee their safety."

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Lunes, Mayo 30, 2016

Cincinnati Zoo -- We Had to Shoot to Kill the Gorilla ... Harambe Was 'Erratic' (VIDEO)

Cincinnati Zoo officials made a snap decision to kill Harambe the gorilla and they have no regrets about it ... according to the zoo's director. Thane Maynard just explained, "When it was determined that the child was being injured ... we had to…

Linggo, Mayo 22, 2016

Beyond The Scandalous Selfies: Documenting The Downfall Of Anthony Weiner


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Sabado, Marso 26, 2016

Stock these healthy foods to eat clean

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By Lisa D'Agrosa, M.S., R.D., March 25, 2016 - 10:54am

Eating clean is a lot easier when your cupboards, fridge and freezer are filled with healthy, clean foods. When you're eating clean, whole foods like fruits and vegetables are obvious choices. But minimally processed foods with short ingredient lists can also fit into a clean-eating diet. Choose foods with healthy ingredients like whole grains and healthy fats and those low in added sugar and salt. Here are some tips to help you stock your kitchen with foods that make it easier to eat clean.

Pictured recipe: Broccoli Rabe & Chicken White Pizza

Don't Miss: 10 Best Tips for Clean Eating


Fruit is almost always a clean choice. Be wary of added sugars in canned fruits or dried fruits, which provide empty calories. Fruit juice can count toward your daily recommended fruit intake—just make sure it's 100% juice. Also, keep in mind that some juices can contain almost 30 grams of sugar per 8-ounce serving. Even 100% fruit juices don't contain the beneficial fiber found in whole fruits—and you're also more likely to guzzle additional calories by drinking orange juice, for instance, than you would if you peeled and ate a whole orange.

Related: Healthy Fruit Smoothie Recipes

Clean Fruit:

• Any fresh fruit
• Canned fruit with no added sugar
• Frozen fruit with no added sugar
• Dried fruit with no added sugar
• 100% fruit juice (limit)


Vegetables should be the building blocks of your clean-eating meals because they're low in calories and packed with vitamins, minerals and fiber. Frozen and canned vegetables are healthy, too, but choose ones without sauces and be sure to read the label since even items that look plain may have added salt. Some vegetables, such as potatoes and winter squash, are starchy. You don't have to limit them, just be aware they are higher in calories and carbs.

Don't Miss: Delicious Ways to Eat More Veggies

Clean Vegetables:

• Any fresh vegetable
• Frozen vegetables with no sauce or added salt
• Canned vegetables with no sauce or added salt

Whole Grains

Nutritious and fiber-rich, whole grains­, such as brown rice, quinoa, barley, oats, farro or millet, are unprocessed and contain only one ingredient. They're about as clean as you can get. When it comes to whole-grain products, look for whole-wheat versions of pasta, refrigerated pizza dough, bread and English muffins (just be sure that whole-wheat flour is the first ingredient and there isn't sugar in the ingredient list). Even popcorn is a whole grain: buy the kernels and pop them on the stove or in an air popper for a clean snack that doesn't have the additives and buttery calories you find in microwave bags.

Don't Miss: 7-Day Clean-Eating Meal Plan

Clean Whole Grains:

• Single-ingredient grains, such as farro, millet, oats, barley, quinoa, brown rice, etc.
• Whole-wheat pasta
• Popcorn
• Sprouted whole-grain bread and English muffins (with no added sugar)
• Whole-wheat pizza dough


Choose plain yogurt (either regular or Greek) over vanilla and fruit-flavored yogurts, which are usually high in sugar, to clean up your diet. Dairy products, such as cheese and milk, can do double duty: eat them solo or use them as ingredients in cleaner homemade versions of foods, such as pizza and macaroni and cheese. Opting for nondairy alternatives, such as soy, coconut and almond milk? Look for unsweetened varieties to avoid added sugar.

Clean Dairy Foods:

• Plain yogurt
• Milk
• Cheese
• Unsweetened nondairy milks


Choose leaner meats, such as chicken breast and chicken thigh, sirloin and lean ground beef. Meat offers protein, iron and vitamin B12. Eating clean means avoiding processed foods, so steer clear of bologna, salami, pepperoni and hot dogs. These—and other processed meat products—are usually high in sodium and may contain artificial colors as well as preservatives. Fish and shellfish can be super-healthy protein sources and many fish contain heart-healthy omega-3 fats. Choose sustainably sourced seafood when possible. Pacific cod, wild salmon and tilapia are all good choices according to Seafood Watch. Eggs are a great choice—and don't skip the yolk or you'll miss out on extra protein and nutrients. Nuts, seeds and beans are all great choices for plant-based proteins. Just be sure to look for lower-sodium options when possible.

Related: 5 Healthiest Fish to Eat (and 5 to Avoid)

Clean Proteins:

• Single-ingredient meats: chicken breast, chicken legs, ground beef, etc.
• Seafood (choose sustainable options, such as wild salmon and Pacific cod)
• Eggs
• Unflavored nuts (e.g., almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts)
• Plain nut butters (no added sugar)
• Dried beans
• Canned beans (rinse to reduce sodium by 35%)

Now that you're ready to stock your kitchen with clean-eating essentials, be sure to try our budget clean-eating recipes, clean-eating lunches and clean-eating breakfasts.

What’s one clean, healthy food that you always stock at home? My answer: natural peanut butter Tell us what you think below.

Lisa D'Agrosa, M.S., R.D., Health Blog, Health, Nutrition

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Martes, Marso 8, 2016

5 Things Exceptionally Funny People Do

The ability to be funny on cue is a huge business asset. Coworkers, employees, bosses and customer alike enjoy working with people who can bring some laughter into a stress-filled workplace.

While some people are natural humorists, being funny is a set of skills just that can be learned, according to David Nihill, author of Do You Talk Funny? 7 Comedy Habits to Become a Better (and Funnier) Public Speaker.

Here's what he learned from interviewing dozens of comedians:

1. They tell stories not jokes

A joke is a fake story that sets up for a punchline.  If the punchline falls flat, you end up looking like a fool. 

Rather than tell jokes, exceptionally funny people tell relevant stories that have humorous elements.

If people don't find a story funny, no big deal, because the story has a point beyond just being funny. If people laugh, so much the better.

2. They keep a "funny file

Exceptionally funny people don't depend upon their memory to keep track of everything they discover that they find funny.

In the olden days, great comedians carried notebooks to jot down funny thoughts or observations and scrapbooks for news clippings that struck them as funny.

Today, you can do that easily with your smartphone.  If you have a funny thought, record it as a audio note. If you read a funny article, save the link in your bookmarks.

3. They draw on real-life experiences

Ever since the 1960s, exceptionally funny people have relied upon what's called "observational humor" to make people laugh.

The classic examples of this are Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David, whose experiences led not just to standup comedy, but two award-winning comedy shows.

The beauty of using personal experiences as fodder for humor is that your life experience is unique and therefore stories based on it are guaranteed to be original.

4. They get to the point

There's an old saying "brevity is the soul of wit."  Exceptionally funny people leave out the boring details and get to the funny part as quickly as possible.

However, while they get to the point quickly, exceptionally funny people put the funny part at the end, rather than in the middle.

My personal favorite example of this is from Jack Handey: "The crows seemed to be calling his name, thought Caw."

5. They use voices to create characters.

The funniest stories are always about people and people are only funny (in the telling) if they have something to say.

Exceptionally funny people use different voices to represent the different people in their story or even different states of mind of the same person.

For example, if your story has you saying something aloud but thinking something different, you make your "aloud" voice very clear and your "thinking" voice an (audible) side whisper.

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Martes, Enero 26, 2016

$200K Reward As Southern California Police Continue Search For 3 Inmates


Authorities in Southern California are still searching for three inmates who escaped from a jail in Orange County on Friday. Police say the three men are violent and potentially dangerous, and there's now a $200,000 reward in the case. For more on this story, we're joined by Erika Aguilar. She's the Orange County reporter for member station KPCC. Let's start with the - first, who these three inmates are. I understand that they were in jail on charges of some very serious violent crimes.

ERIKA AGUILAR, BYLINE: Yeah. Hossein Nayeri - he's 37 years old. He's been locked up for more than a year. He allegedly kidnapped and tortured a marijuana shop owner for a ransom in 2012. But Nayeri evaded investigators, fleeing to Iran, until late 2014 when he was arrested in Prague and later extradited to the U.S. The other escapees, Bac Duong and Jonathan Tieu - they are Vietnamese who sheriff investigators believe have ties to local gangs. Bac Duong is a 43-year-old homeless man. He served time for drugs and burglary, and just this past November, he allegedly shot a man during an argument. Jonathan Tieu is the youngest. At 20 years old, he's accused of taking part in a fatal Vietnamese gang shooting about five years ago.

SIEGEL: And these three men were all awaiting trial, we should note. They pleaded not guilty to those charges.

AGUILAR: Yeah, that's right. That's right.

SIEGEL: How did they escape?

AGUILAR: This probably happened shortly after 5 a.m. last Friday, officials say. But jail deputies had no idea the three inmates were missing until after the second physical body count of the day was done around 9 p.m. They think they used tools - the inmates did - to cut through a steel grate in the jail cell, then climbed through the bowels of the facility up to an unsecured area of the roof.

They managed to mangle barbed wire while they were up there on the ledge of the roof and used ropes made of braided bed linens to rappel four stories to the ground. Now, Sheriff officials won't discuss the tools that the inmates used. They say no jail personnel have been taken off duty or suspended, but it's really hard to imagine how these inmates cut through four to five breaches of steel and rebar without making noise or attracting attention. Then again, as we learned last summer, you know, from the New York inmates who broke out of prison in June of 2015, prisoners have a lot of time on their hands to think up escape plans.

SIEGEL: Tell us more about this maximum-security county jail. What type of inmates are held there?

AGUILAR: Well, the jail was built in 1968. It houses more than 900 men. The three inmates were held in a dormitory-style cell with about 65 other inmates, half of which are considered violent criminals. A lot of the inmates here have upcoming trials and hearings, and they're housed at Central Men's Jail because the main county courthouses is across the street. Now, there have been multiple escapes over the years, the last one nearly 30 years ago. And the sheriff's department said the common denominator in those escapes was the roof of the jail, which was exactly how this escape played out.

SIEGEL: It has now been four days since the inmates broke out of the jail. The U.S.-Mexico border is just a two-hour drive from Orange County. Couldn't they have left the country by now?

AGUILAR: Yeah. It did take jail deputies about 16 hours to even confirm the inmates were missing Friday, so that's plenty of time to drive down to Mexico. We know one of the inmates, as mentioned earlier, fled to Iran a few years ago when police later identified Hossein Nayeri as a suspect in the kidnapping case he's facing. And in the other two cases, authorities have been making pleas to the Vietnamese community here because at least one of the inmates is known to have ties to a Vietnamese gang.

SIEGEL: OK. That's Erika Aguilar of Southern California Public Radio. Erika, thanks.

AGUILAR: You're welcome.

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